
There are 2 methods to get Japan Car License.

Definition :

TSUGAKU (通学): Car driving course with round trip from apartment to driving school.

GASSHUKU (合宿): Car driving course by living in the driving school dormitory.


Course time:

Tsugaku : Free course time. You can make your own schedule. So it will usually take around 1-5 months to complete. For Tsugaku since we have to come to driving school, then a lot of time is wasted on commuting.

Gasshuku : Course time is only 13-16 days. During that time you have to live in a dormitory. Because you live in the dormitory, during lessons it only takes less than 5 minutes to arrive at the class.

Selection of Jidousha Gakkou:

Tsugaku: Can only choose the closest driving school from your apartment. So there are not many choices in terms of price and quality from the jidousha gakkou.

Gasshuku : You can choose driving school throughout Japan, regardless of where you live. So you can choose the cheapest and best driving school.

Cost :

Tsugaku : For cars license, it ranges from ¥280,000 to ¥400,000 , depending on the driving school and the season.

Gasshuku : ¥80,000 - ¥100,000 cheaper than the tsugaku one. Some even cost ¥170,000 only. Because for the gasshuku we are not affected by the place you live, you can choose the cheapest driving school.

Food :

Tsugaku : Not getting food.

Gasshuku : Get food 3 times a day (included from the course fee).

Other Facilities :

Tsugaku : There is shuttle from your apartment
Gasshuku : Dormitory (some are hotels standard).

Graduation Rate: :

Tsugaku : Because it takes longer, you will easily forget the course. So, You will have a hard time passing the test.

Gasshuku : Because within 2 weeks you can just focus on jidousha Gakkou, the pass rate is higher.
Conclusion: If you can afford 14 days off, the cheapest and best way to take a car course is with gasshuku.

The best season to take a driving course.

The driving course fee is fluctuate depend on the season.

Januari - March = ¥280,000 ~ ¥400,000
April - June = ¥180,000 ~ ¥210,000
July - September = ¥280,000 ~ ¥360,000
October - Desember = ¥190,000 ~ ¥220,000

So, the cheapest season to take driving school is about April - June or October - December.

Why you must choose Menkyo.me?

You are free to choose from 60 car driving schools all over Japan.
Menkyo.me will help you find the right car driving school for you.
Menkyo.me guarantees the lowest prices.

But wait, if you take car driving school from Menkyo.me, you will get discount :

¥5,000 discount unconditional.
Early bird discount ¥5,000: * Target enrollment dates and application deadlines vary depending on the driving school.
Student Discount ¥3,000: depending on the school, if you are a student you will ¥3,000 discount.
You will receive a transport fee of cashback of up to ¥11,000.

You can choose Driving school here (日本語) :

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